Friday 1 August 2014

28th june 2014..!

It was my 18th birthday. Calls started from night 11-58pm only. I felt quite happy as many calls were on waiting. I thought I will not be celebrating my birthday as nobody showed interest. But papa booked the hall and calls were made to the family people and friends. The day was too boring as I was stting at home. The party began at night.! All my friends and family and relatives everybody were present and I was the reason for the party.. I felt too awkward at one point of time as everybody there wanted to meet me and greet me.. I was very happy as my 18th became so memorable as all the special people of my life blessed me.. I truly enjoyed the day actually NIGHT..! :p

The best gifts i received were the 6 novels and a photo frame with a sweet photo in it.. :)

Thursday 29 May 2014

ExpecTatiOns LeAds to diSappOintmentS

Yes.. As the title is.. This post of mine is about Expectations.. This is seen in people at a high level.. Expectation is what is considered the most likely to happen.. But as you know everything has IF and IF NOT's.. I mean Conditions Apply** wala star mark.. It may or may not be realistic.. If it happens.. It comes as a surprise to the people and if it comes as less advantageous result, it gives rise to emotion of sadness and disappointments..
The more you expect things.. The more you are HURT.. The less you expect.. The less you are disappointed..
The best way to avoid these disappointments is to NOT expect ANYTHING from ANYONE..
Dealing with disappointment is very difficult for people like me.. 😁
i just found out an equation relating to this topic of mine.. It goes like this..

          Disappointment = Expectation/Reality

Few examples where expecting things results in disappointments are given below..

1. A normal 22-25 years graduate expects to get a job and earn money in dollars or euros without working hard or doing nothing.. This is not possible.. He can be successful only when his aim will be to be able to utilize his skill and knowledge efficiently and effectively..  And when this is not his aim the result obviously will be disappointing..

2. A student's expectations are always to be a top grade student of his class or school.. But, to achieve high grades he needs to work hard and avoid few things.. If he always wants to hang out with friends and still expects to achieve high grades, the result will be disappointing..

3. A person who is in a relationship always expects his/her partner to stay loyal or to share each and everything with them.. This can only happen when both the people in the relation are able to understand, trust completely and love each other equally.. They need to know that they can be happy together and can enjoy each other's company.. In The beginning of the relation everyone will have butterflies in their stomache.. As it gets older people change..

4. Few people expects or actually (wants) their daughters to get married without their approval and get them married, face disappointments on a large scale.. As they later get to know about the groom's family and realise that their daughter is not happy.. At this type of situations, parents should first get all the information about the family and then give their children some time to think and decide.. As it is their child's future..

This is not the end.. Their are many more examples.. But the thing is.. People should STOP EXPECTING.. Its not that I am forcing you or something.. Everybody has their own choices and rights and decisions.. What I have learnt from my life is what I have written here..